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300 cases of sexual violence in 2021, more than half within the home

União das Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta calls for investment in education for non-violence, alerting people to cases of sexual violence and reinforcing the idea that victims cannot be blamed

UMAR also defends the creation of an Observatory for Sexual Violence. Ideas underlined during the presentation of a report made on the basis of news published in the online press last year. In that period, 299 cases of sexual violence were reported. Of these, 62.7% occurred in the victim's or offender's home, 10.9% in public space, 8.8% in a deserted place and 5.4% at school.

The offender's or victim's vehicle, via the Internet, in a public bathroom, in a doctor's office, as well as in a hospital, hotel, garage or training ground are other places where situations of violence have occurred according to the news items analysed.

Continuous victimisation is the most present type in the reported cases (52%), with the average time of victimisation being over three years.

The report of the cases confirms that in most cases the crimes are committed by people known to the victim.


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