Lots of dancing and entertainment in the area surrounding the Senhor do Padrão Monument
The City Council is back this year on the “Animar Matosinhos” program, taking, throughout the months of July and August, always on weekends, lots of dancing and entertainment to the area surrounding the Senhor do Padrão Monument.
The shows are free of charge.
Last Sunday, at 5:30 pm, it was the turn of Escola Attitude to perform on stage, with urban dances and aerodance.
On the 16th of July, it will be the turn of the ADM – Academia de Dança de Matosinhos to shine and on Sunday, the 17th of July, the stage will be for EU DANÇO.
See the schedule for the months of July and August at https://www.cm-matosinhos.pt/servicos-municipais/comunicacao-e-imagem/eventos/evento/animar-matosinhos-58