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Events dedicated to World Arbor Day

From school plantations to the show "The Tree and Music" that will take place on March 26, at 4pm, in Carriçal Park, don't miss the Matosinhos program that marks this date

On March 21, the Matosinhos City Hall marked the arrival of spring and World Tree Day at Estádio do Mar Elementary School, where three specimens of native species were planted with the help of students.

These plants had been sown and monitored by students from some of the municipality's high schools as part of the "Biocapacity in the City" project, in a dynamic where the importance of native species and their influence on ecosystems has particular emphasis.

To celebrate this event, which began on April 10, 1872 in the North American state of Nebraska, having arrived in Portugal in March 1913, the Municipality has prepared a diversified program focused on the importance of trees and forests.

From the program prepared by the municipality, the highlight is "The Tree and Music" a free outdoor show that involves music and body expression, offering the public and families moments full of joy, in which everyone is invited to dance and celebrate Life by the Tree

The show will take place on March 26, at 4 pm, at Carriçal Park (Senhora da Hora) and will feature the participation of "Novaterra" - Cultural Association Art and Environment. This association finds its inspiration in nature and education through art, building bridges between distant worlds which, once in contact, strengthen each other.


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