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IRS Schedule 2023: Know all the important dates

Note all important dates on the IRS calendar and avoid paying penalties or losing deductions

With the start of the year, it's time to look at the calendar again to figure out the most important IRS dates. From validating invoices to filing the annual return, there are several deadlines to keep in mind over the next few months. If you don't want to run the risk of losing deductions, or having to pay fines, get to know the IRS calendar for 2023.

In February

If in the first month of the year the fiscal calendar is free, the same cannot be said of February, when there are two important dates to consider.

Until the 15th

We start with the 15th of February, the deadline to communicate to the Tax Authority the update of your household.

Changes in family situation are considered to be the birth of children, children who are no longer dependents or who are now in joint custody, divorce, death of a spouse, marriage, and change of permanent residence. All must be reported to the tax authorities by February 15 without fail.

If you do not communicate the changes to the household by this date, the Tax Authority will consider the data from the previous year.

Until the 25th

Another important date on the IRS calendar in February is the 25th, which marks the deadline to validate and confirm your invoices on the E-Fatura portal.

See alsoIRS: how to validate the invoices in E-FaturaCaso tenha rendimentos de trabalho independente e se enquadrando no regime simplificado, this is also the deadline to indicate to the Ministry of Finance if each invoice is a personal expense, professional (related to the activity that exercises independently) or mixed.

Don't forget that expenses marked as professional may be subject to justification.

In March

March also has important dates for the IRS. It is, in fact, a very relevant month from a tax point of view.

Until the 15th

Starting on March 15, which is when the amounts for deduction to the taxable income of expenses proven by invoice become available.

This information had already been, in a way, advanced by the E-Fatura, but now you will also be able to see the total of your IRS deductions with expenses that are not necessarily registered in that portal, due to the fact that some entities are exempt from issuing invoices.

This is what happens, for example, with expenses related to mortgage interest or public school fees.

Until the end of the month

We move on to the period between March 15 and 31, in which there are a number of important dates for the IRS to register.

If you do not agree with the amounts calculated by the tax authorities based on your general family expenses and the benefit for having asked for an invoice with taxpayer, you have until the 31st to complain about the calculation of the deductions to the collection with the Tax Authority. Of course, you will have to substantiate your claim, so go prepared to defend yourself.

In this timeframe you cannot claim for health, education, real estate, and nursing home expenses. These corrections can then be made, manually, when you fill out Model 3 of your tax return.

You can still notify the IRS in advance about your desire to consign part of your income tax or VAT, indicating the entity you want to benefit.

In April, May and June

One of the most important dates on the IRS calendar is without a doubt the annual tax return submission, which this year can be done once again between April 1st and June 30th. These are three months for all Portuguese, regardless of their income category, to submit their accounts to the State.

The same months are important dates for those who receive a refund, because the tax authorities can give you back at this stage what you are entitled to. So it is worth remembering the rule of reciprocity: the sooner you file your tax return, the sooner you get your refund.

In July

If you filed your tax return on time, the IRS has until July 31st to send you the tax assessment notice. This is the document that proves that you have settled your account with the tax authorities.

In August

By now we are all thinking about vacations, but there are still important IRS dates coming up. As you know, not all taxpayers are entitled to a refund, and in some cases they may even have to pay the IRS.

The deadline for them to do so is August 31. This is if they have met the IRS deadline. Otherwise, you have until December 31 to make the payment. And, besides the debt, you can also expect a fine.

The last day of August is still the deadline for the IRS to pay the IRS refunds, so you get your money on the 31st at the latest.

In September

If they had additional tax to pay, but did not do so by August 31, taxpayers can ask to pay the IRS in installments.

It is necessary, however, that they have filed their IRS return on time and that they have no debts related to other taxes, such as VAT or IMI.

Requests for payment of the IRS in installments must be submitted by September 15.


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