The national results released by the water sector regulator highlight Matosinhos as one of the municipalities with the lowest water loss in the public supply network. Water scarcity and drought are two climate scenarios that increasingly bring concerns to Portugal. However, the country continues to waste 28.7% of the water that enters the supply networks. The national average is indicated by the most recent report by the Regulatory Authority for Water and Waste Services (ERSAR), which also proves that, in Matosinhos, only 12.1% of water was lost during 2020, indicating an improvement over the previous year (14.7%). Matosinhos holds the seventh best result at national level, being the fourth best in the Porto Metropolitan Area. The volume of losses in this municipality is currently far from the 37% recorded in 2008, the year in which INDAQUA Matosinhos started to operate. The difference between this value (37%) and the one currently registered (12.1%) is equivalent to saving enough water to supply this municipality over 6 months. The results achieved by INDAQUA Matosinhos stem from a daily and close work in the control of the supply networks, identifying and rectifying specific constraints, such as leaks or ruptures, and also ensuring greater efficiency in the recording of consumption, which prevents theft or diversion of water that has been treated and transported to be completely safe for human consumption. The municipal concessions operated by INDAQUA in 2020 (Fafe, Matosinhos, Oliveira de Azeméis, Santa Maria da Feira, Santo Tirso, Trofa, Vila do Conde) recorded an average loss volume of only 13.9%. Although not yet disclosed by ERSAR, the performance in 2021 remained in line with the previous year, both in terms of INDAQUA's average concessions (about 14%) and in Matosinhos (12.8%).
