At a time when 66% of the national territory is in extreme drought and another 33% in severe drought, the Minister of Agriculture, Maria do Céu Antunes, and the Minister of the Environment and Climate Action, Duarte Cordeiro, appealed at a press conference, to the efficient use of water and for them to save “in all possible dimensions”.
“Despite the serious situation, we have safe water for human consumption for two years”, guaranteed the Minister of the Environment and Climate Action.
The Permanent Commission for the Prevention, Monitoring and Monitoring of the Effects of Drought met to carry out the “detailed monitoring” of the drought situation in the country and at the end of the meeting, in addition to the specialized conclusions, Duarte Cordeiro said that it is necessary to create the habit of “live with less water”, and this rule is valid “for all Portuguese people, regardless of the region”.
The minister stressed that the priority remains “safeguarding water for human consumption” and ensuring the “hierarchy of water uses”. The permanent committee to monitor the situation has met every month and, according to Duarte Cordeiro, a meeting with the Spanish authorities will take place “at the end of this month, in Lisbon”, to determine “the fulfillment of responsibilities of each of the parties”.
This is because the country is experiencing “one of the most serious situations, perhaps the most serious since 1931”, and therefore “close collaboration with Spain” will be necessary, which is also experiencing a difficult year in terms of drought, said Duarte Cordeiro.
Regarding the situation of agriculture, Minister Maria do Céu Antunes informed that, of the 44 reservoirs monitored, 37 reservoirs “have storage levels that ensure the irrigation campaign for 2022”, something that is only possible due to the “judicious” use of water. in certain geographies and the “contingency plans” applied.
Even so, at this time, the reservoirs of Arcossó and Vale de Madeiro, in the North region, and Bravura, Santa Clara, Campilhas, Fonte Serne and Monte da Rocha, in the Algarve and Alentejo, present limitations in order to guarantee the public supply of water. .