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Rise in the rate of ossuary leaves matosinhenses disgusted

Several people from Matosinhos attended the public meeting of the municipal executive, which took place in Guifões, on Wednesday afternoon, to contest the increase in the fee for the use of ossuaries in municipal cemeteries, which rose to three times more. They complain about the disrespect on the part of the Municipality and give account of the difficulties in paying the value

Credits: João Manuel Ribeiro/Global Imagens

"I can't afford this amount. I stop buying medicines I need to pay for these expenses. With decisions like this, they bring us even more to our knees," reported one of those present, unhappy with the measure.

Assuring that "the increase is not to generate revenue for the municipality, but it is reflected in the service that is provided and in recent works," the vice president of the Municipality of Matosinhos, Carlos Mouta, said that "the residents were paying values of a reality with more than ten years".

The citizens of Matosinhos were paying 12.98 euros per year for occupying the ossuaries in the cemeteries, and the value was updated in 2023 to 36.50 euros. The value applied to columbariums (for deposits of ashes) also increased, rising from 10.28 to 28.50 euros. The increase in the bill applies only to users of the Sendim and S. Mamede de Infesta cemeteries, where renovations have been carried out.

As several residents explained in the meeting, most users "already have a high age and live on small pensions", which makes the increase more "frightening". "If we don't meet the invoice deadline, we are faced with interest. The payment should be optional or divided, to give more conditions to people with difficulties", declared one of the complainants.

The residents also complained about the lack of prior notice. In a clarification note sent to JN, and as previously reported, the City Council contests the lack of a notice to the population, saying that the residents were "warned by letter and by the official means required by law".

Councilman Vasco Pinho, who is responsible for Financial Management and Auditing, clarified that the payment will continue at the values announced in 2023, but that a review will be made so that the situation changes in the future: "Unfortunately we can't go back. But we will review and perhaps in the coming years reconsider the value."

Rebutting criticism that the measure was exclusive to the territory of Matosinhense, Vasco Pinho clarified that the same happened in neighboring municipalities: "We were no different from Porto. Only that there the increase was gradual over the years. In Matosinhos this didn't happen", he added, refuting the criticism.

"Since there is investment and the fee increases for the service provided, I think the City Hall should become responsible for the frequent theft of flower boxes that bring us so much damage", proposed one of the participants.

The vice president informed that they will look for a way to mitigate the amounts charged and, in this sense, take a proposal to the executive meeting.


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