Test took place in S. Mamede de Infesta this weekend

The 3rd Stage of the Portuguese Sports Dance Cup by the Portuguese Federation of Sports Dance (FPDD) took place at the Eduardo Soares Pavilion in S. Mamede de Infesta (São Mamede Academic Association), in which 130 pairs participated in a total of 260 athletes.
Throughout the day, the pairs competing in the Pavilion participated in several final competitions in the categories of juniors, youth, adults, professionals and seniors.
Present at this event, as well as at the delivery of medals, were Vasco Pinho, Sports Councilor of the Municipality of Matosinhos, the President of the Board of the Union of Parishes of São Mamede de Infesta and Senhora da Hora, Leonardo Fernandes, accompanied by the members, Fitas Preto, Luisa Miguel and Francisco Guimarães and the President of the Academic Association of São Mamede, Carlos Miguel Magalhães Silva.
The event was organized by Bicas da Senhora da Hora-Cultural Association, with the support of the Junta da União das Freguesias de S. Mamede de Infesta and Senhora da Hora and Associação Académica De São Mamede.