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The program "Conversation with the President" is back

The program "Conversation with the President" returns in 2023 with new themes and new guests

The next broadcast is scheduled for Friday, January 27, at 6:30pm.

This broadcast will have Culture as its theme, namely the history and activity of ARAL - Associação Recreativa Aurora da Liberdade (ARAL)

The "Talk with the President" will have the usual participation of Paulo Carvalho, President of the Matosinhos and Leça da Palmeira Borough Council and will have as special guest, César Gavina, President of ARAL.

The program will be broadcast live on this Facebook page of the Junta de Freguesia. (

There will also be a period for submitting suggestions/questions.

Follow the "Conversation with the President" and participate in this emission!

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