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Trucks three days stopped against delays at the Port of Leixões

The road carriers will have the trucks stopped near the accesses to the Port of Leixões, in Matosinhos, contesting the waiting times for loading and unloading. The protest began this Wednesday, February 22, and continues until Friday

Photo: Amin Chaar/Global Imagens

About 100 trucks representing 60 companies were stopped yesterday near the accesses of the Internal Link Road to the Port of Leixões (VILP), in Matosinhos, in protest against what they consider to be "the inoperability of the seaport of the Administration of Ports of Douro, Leixões and Viana do Castelo (APDL)," that forces them daily to "wait five to six hours to pick up or unload goods, when the benchmark time is 55 minutes," said Paulo Paiva, spokesman and legal advisor for the group.

With this stoppage, which will last until tomorrow (between 8 am and 8 pm), the businessmen call attention to the need to be compensated for the losses and demand that APDL takes measures with its concessionaire (Yilport), so that this does not happen again or, at least, that the delays are rarer, explained Paulo Paiva.

According to Paulo Paiva, the situation worsened last month, due to the exchange of a management program of the sea port", which caused the trucks to have "been waiting five, six and even seven hours".

Cláudia Soutinho, member of the board that leads the APDL after Nuno Araújo left the presidency, confirmed to the JN that "there were two weeks, with the entry into operation of the new system of operational management of the concessionaire, in which the waiting times skyrocketed," having the situation, however, returned "more or less to normal. And he stressed: "The Port of Leixões is the most efficient in the country, the one that works best, and we want to continue to be so.


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