This year, the Board of Directors of the Unidade Local de Saúde de Matosinhos (ULSM) decided to surprise its professionals and employees by dedicating a special Christmas weekend to them
The weekend began with a show of the Cardinali circus, so special at this time of year, and that enchanted the young and the old, that is, parents and children.
But beyond the magic of the circus, there was the magic of (re) meeting those who every day make the life of the ULSM institution happen. The nostalgia of moments of conviviality, of faces without masks to hide smiles, of accomplice and affectionate glances, of friendly and fraternal hugs, of reunions filled the Cruise Terminal, in a dinner that was intended for solidarity, and that brought together all those who are part of this great team that is the ULSM (and their families, at least the little ones) to celebrate together this Christmas.