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What you can't miss this weekend in Matosinhos

This weekend, in Matosinhos, you can enjoy excellent gastronomy and a diversified program. Get to know the suggestions:

3rd Edition - Taste Matosinhos - Seafood Edition

One of the most anticipated events of the year is back! After the huge success in the first two editions, the 3rd edition of Degustar Matosinhos - Seafood Edition returns now in February.

Every Thursday in February (February 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd), for lunch or dinner, there are 23 participating spaces where you can taste a fresh seafood platter, for two people, for the fixed price of 60 euros.

Don't miss this opportunity and come taste the best seafood in Matosinhos!

More information in: When: February 2, 9, 16 and 23 (Every Thursday of the month at lunch and dinner)

Where: Adhering catering establishments Lectures "Nutrition and Physical Exercise - Childhood Obesity Prevention" - Municipal Swimming Pools

Matosinhos Sport is developing a cycle of lectures promoted by the Physical Assessment and Nutrition Departments, with the next actions addressing the theme of physical exercise and the prevention of childhood obesity.

This service, available at the Matosinhos Sports and Congress Center and at the 7 municipal swimming pools, is free of charge for the entire population of Matosinhos, whether they are clients or not of the municipal swimming pools and/or gyms, requiring only a previous appointment.

Information at the reception and customer services and at When and Where:

February 16

11H00 | municipal swimming pool of Guifões

17H00 | municipal swimming pool of Matosinhos Architecture for all - Free Guided Tours of the House of Architecture

The Casa da Arquitectura promotes, starting next Sunday, guided tours to the Casa da Arquitectura. The initiative is free and will take place every Sunday at 11am.

When: Sundays, at 11am

Where: Casa da Arquitectura

"Poetry Express Poetry Laboratory" - Municipal Library Florbela Espanca

"Expresso Poesia-Laboratório Poético" is a poetic performance workshop taught by Isaque Ferreira and Rui Spranger that proposes to involve the general public in the possibilities of reading aloud. This laboratory seeks to bring trainees into contact with the poetic text with the primary objective of establishing a new dimension of communicability through it. The aim is to foster the writing and reading of fictional works, to experiment with narrative techniques, to explore creativity, to develop writing skills and to propose aesthetic reflection.

The Poetry Express is an initiative of the Municipal Reading Plan 2023, implemented by the Municipal Libraries and the Matosinhos City Hall. Registration is free and limited to existing vacancies and can be done through the address or through the link

When: Saturday, February 11, from 10am to 1pm

Where: Florbela Espanca Municipal Library

Good neighbors shop in Matosinhos - Matosinhos

The Matosinhos City Hall continues its commitment to a strategy of boosting the traditional commerce in Matosinhos. In this sense, and in partnership with the Business Association of the Municipality of Matosinhos, the contest "Good neighbors do shopping in Matosinhos" is underway, another campaign launched with the aim of encouraging shopping in traditional commerce in the municipality. The contest consists of awarding prizes, through a raffle, to all those who make purchases of €20 or more at participating stores through the use of the "Matosinhos Presente" customer card. The contest "Good Neighbors Shopping in Matosinhos" runs until February 28th and two draws will be held. In the first drawing the purchases made until 11:59 pm of January 15th 2023 were considered (the drawing took place on January 24th 2023). In the second draw all purchases made until 11:59pm on February 28, 2023 will be considered, with the exception of the winning entries in the 1st draw (the draw itself will take place on March 9, 2023, at 4pm). The only ones excluded from the 2nd draw will be the winners of the first draw.

Where: Matosinhos

Travelling Exhibition "Birds of Portugal - Retrospective of a journey" - CMIA

Sergei Titov is 14 years old, was born in Porto, Portugal and has always been fascinated by Nature, especially birds. He started Birdwatching at the age of 12, when he received his first guide to the birds of Europe, which was very useful for his observations. In the Ebird platform he has already registered more than 120 species of birds. Since 2021, he has been a member of SPEA (Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds) and, in the summer of 2022, he cycled around Portugal with his father, with the main objective of photographing and discovering birds.

The photo exhibition "Birds of Portugal - Retrospetiva de uma viagem" was born in the scope of this passion for birds and Nature. Sergei intends to show kids and adults the importance of connecting with Nature and how enriching his trip was, from discovering new birds to exploring the four corners of Portugal and, perhaps, lead other families to follow his footsteps.

When: February 2nd to March 23rd/ Opening February 2nd, 5pm

Where: Matosinhos Environmental Monitoring and Interpretation Center

Exhibition "Perspective(s) on One Health" - CMIA

How many variables can be combined when thinking about health? And how many Perspective(s) can there be about One Health? This challenge, promoted by the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar (ICBAS), received 250 responses in the form of photographs. Of these, 21 were selected for the traveling exhibition "Perspective(s) on One Health".

This exhibition was born from a photography contest promoted by ICBAS, in partnership with the Portuguese Photography Institute (IPF), and whose objective was to promote the concept of One Health in the civil society.

Whatever the area of photography, photographers are currently mobilized by photography's ability to show the public and political agents subjects in which society's intervention and awareness are necessary.

When: February 2nd to March 23rd/ Inauguration February 2nd, 5pm

Where: Matosinhos Environmental Monitoring and Interpretation Center Exhibition "Wind Lines. Artistic Journeys in Nature" - Works from the Serralves Foundation Collection

The group exhibition is composed of a set of works by international artists associated with the land art or earthworks movement, such as Richard Long, Hamish Fulton and Ana Mendieta, who, from the late 1960s, took nature as a starting point for the creation of works conceived outside their studios. The show establishes a dialogue between the works of these artists with the works of some of the biggest names in Portuguese contemporary art, such as Alberto Carneiro, Fernando Lanhas, Lourdes Castro, and Luísa Cunha.

In "Lines of Wind. Percursos artísticos na natureza" a cross between painting and drawing, sculpture, photographic and audiovisual record of actions and performance in the natural environment, thus establishing their artistic works in close relationship with territory, anthropology, geology as well as ecology.

When: until April 23rd, 2023

Where: Municipal Gallery of Matosinhos

Temporary exhibition "Romagem à saudade" - Matosinhos Memory Museum

Inserted in the initiative "Mar de Luz" which marked over three days the 75 years of the 1947 Shipwreck, the exhibition "Romagem de Saudade" will be open until March 19, 2023 at MuMMa - Matosinhos Memory Museum.

This exhibition aims to honor the fishermen who perished at sea, as well as their families. The exhibition focuses on the experiential, documentary and material memories allusive to the Shipwreck of 1947.

Besides the collection of the Matosinhos City Hall, several entities, such as the Faculty of Fine Arts of Porto, NAPESMATE - Núcleo de Amigos dos Pescadores de Matosinhos, APAM - Associação dos Pescadores Aposentados de Matosinhos, or the Matosinhos Fishermen's Ranch, have actively collaborated in this project, through the donation of numerous objects and documents, most of which are being exhibited for the first time.

On land, the tragedy of the despair of the women, with no news of their husbands and sons, the prayers said and the cries of distress made the night even darker. This tragedy impressed the painter Augusto Gomes, who, in several of his works, portrayed the pain and despair of these women, helpless before the fury of the sea.

Another iconic work of the artist from Matosinhos related to the 1947 Shipwreck is the imposing and disturbing canvas "Untitled", better known as "The Family". Augusto Gomes paid homage to the victims and their families, apparently at the request of the Matosinhos City Council. The painting was for several years in the old Lota of Matosinhos, with an alms box beside it. The large oil, in gray tones, depicts a fisherman's family in despair. The triangular composition in the foreground over the emptiness that surrounds the figures reinforces the dramatic charge of the whole painting. Father, mother, and children are represented incarnating and sacralizing a universal pain.

A year after this sad episode, João Martins da Costa, a painter born in Coimbra, presents the canvas "O Mar Sagrado - Tragédia marítima de 2 de Dezembro" (The Sacred Sea - December 2nd Maritime Tragedy) as his final course work at the Fine Arts University of Oporto. The theme is imbued with dramatic symbolism, following the religious representations of the "Lamentations over the Dead Christ" (also called Pietá), but with the figures of the fishermen's families taking the place of the sacred characters.

In addition to works of art, the exhibition also includes models of the 4 sunken trawlers, as well as a panoply of objects that reveal the daily life and religiosity of the fishermen of the time, maritime banknotes and newspapers of the period.

When: until March 19, 2023

Where: MuMMa - Matosinhos Memory Museum Exhibition JOÃO CARLOS - Casa do Design, Matosinhos

The retrospective exhibition "João Carlos" was the last exhibition of 2022 to open at Casa do Design, in Matosinhos.

Dedicated to João Carlos Celestino Gomes, whose activity as an illustrator and designer developed from the twenties until his death in 1961, the exhibition is curated by designer Jorge Silva and displays a total of 111 pieces that include prints on panels and shop windows, books, magazines and pamphlets.

When: Until February 12, 2023

Where: Casa do Design, Matosinhos - Edifício Paços do Concelho, Rua de Alfredo Cunha, Matosinhos

Exhibition "António Carneiro. The poet with paintbrushes" - Quinta de Santiago Museum

In the year that celebrates the 150th anniversary of the birth of the artist António Carneiro (1872-1930), the Matosinhos City Hall remembers the painter widely represented in the municipal art collection with the inauguration of the retrospective exhibition "António Carneiro. The poet with brushes".

The show, the largest in the last 50 years of this poet and painter, takes place in Matosinhos, at Quinta de Santiago Museum, and will be open until February 26, 2023.

There are about 70 works, objects and documents, some of them unpublished or almost unknown, from the only Portuguese symbolist painter, that can be seen in this museum in Leça da Palmeira from Tuesday to Friday, from 10am to 1pm and from 3pm to 6pm, and on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 3pm to 6pm.

António Carneiro (1872-1930) was born in Amarante on September 16th, 1872. This year marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of this great painter, considered one of the greatest Portuguese painters of the late 19th century and early 20th century.

A singular artist, of a dreamy and melancholic nature, "a painter bigger than the country", besides being a landscape painter, he was also a portraitist, history painter, illustrator and poet.

Admission: 1€ (without ATM terminal) - Free admission at the opening and every Sunday

When: until February 26, 2023

Where: Quinta de Santiago Museum

Exhibition "Matosinhos, Place and Memory" - Matosinhos Memory Museum

The temporary exhibition of the Museum of Memory "Matosinhos Place and Memory" was inaugurated in August 2022, as part of the celebrations of the 1st anniversary of the Matosinhos Memory Museum.

Using a selection of photographs by Gabriele Basilico, belonging to the Municipality's collection, the exhibition contrasts these same records today: the urban and industrial landscapes captured by Basilico in the project "A City Like This" (1996), are now portrayed in the present time.

More than 25 years separate these photographic captures, and in this counterpoint it is possible to see and feel the city: its evolution, the response it has given to new civilizational challenges and the growing needs of its population.

Admission 1,00€ (includes visit to the permanent exhibition + temporary exhibition)

When: until March 2023

Where: Matosinhos Memory Museum

We are counting on you! - Florbela Espanca Municipal Library

Give wings to your imagination and come fly through the magical world of books and charming stories!

During Storytime, the stories, almost always simple narratives and short stories, are told to excite and awaken the imagination of the younger ones.

When: Saturday at 11am or 3pm

Where: Municipal Library Florbela Espanca ECO-MARKET - Organic products fair - Basílio Teles Garden

On Saturdays, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., in Jardim Basílio Teles, there is an organic produce fair, where you can find alternatives for a healthier and tastier diet.

More information When: Saturdays from 8am to 1pm

Where: Basílio Teles Garden


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